Monday, March 24, 2014

Garrett Hamon - Milestone 4


  1. super cool garrett! i think you nailed that 70/30 cute/dangerous bit. i'm really curious about those bulbs on his butt and head. do they emit light? or are they hard and coral-like? or are they all spongey like a sea anemone? I know you're going for simple design, but it would be nice to have a small amount of texture indication. just here and there.

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  3. Fun! I'm enjoying his having hooves on the front, even though he's on two legs. It's biologically rather believable, it looks like he's in what they call a "facultative biped" stage, where the animal has the option of either going on 2 legs or 4. The front limbs aren't quite developed for either the ground or for use like hands, it's a nice transitionary stage. Cool color scheme too!

  4. I like the way you've rendered this. I don't know if you've been using reference from other artists for this, but I'm getting a somewhat Mike Mignola-ish vibe from this. If you haven't already, try looking at his stuff to inspire you and see if that yields any results. I don't know if that was your intention, but if you want his face to be a focal point, you might consider putting some interesting detail or more spots of yellow around there. Some kind of patterning, you know?

    The only thing that might be a problem is that the most eye catching part of him is his tail. I'm
